Brian Eno propose le terme « scenius » (contraction de genius et scene) pour décrire ce qui rend un lieu (spatio-temporel) si fertile pour ses joueurs. Il dit qu’il serait même plus pertinent de voir le tout comme une « scène géniale » (scenius) plutôt que de tenter d’expliquer les succès sous forme de « grands génies » sortis de la cuisse de Jupiter.
Brian Eno (2009) : «I was an art student and, like all art students, I was encouraged to believe that there were a few great figures like Picasso and Kandinsky, Rembrandt and Giotto and so on who sort-of appeared out of nowhere and produced artistic revolution.
As I looked at art more and more, I discovered that that wasn’t really a true picture.What really happened was that there was sometimes very fertile scenes involving lots and lots of people – some of them artists, some of them collectors, some of them curators, thinkers, theorists, people who were fashionable and knew what the hip things were – all sorts of people who created a kind of ecology of talent. And out of that ecology arose some wonderful work.The period that I was particularly interested in, ’round about the Russian revolution, shows this extremely well. So I thought that originally those few individuals who’d survived in history – in the sort-of “Great Man” theory of history – they were called “geniuses”. But what I thought was interesting was the fact that they all came out of a scene that was very fertile and very intelligent.So I came up with this word “scenius” – and scenius is the intelligence of a whole… operation or group of people. And I think that’s a more useful way to think about culture, actually. I think that – let’s forget the idea of “genius” for a little while, let’s think about the whole ecology of ideas that give rise to good new thoughts and good new work.» (source)
Internet permet de connecter la scène des idées à Montréal et au Québec en général. Pour qu’un bon blogueur soit reconnu, il lui faut un bon public. Webcom, Yulbiz, la maison Notman, Alliance Internet, tous les camps, ont besoin d’un écosystème pour rayonner.